Thankful for Bugs

Creepy crawlies. Flying too. She loves the bugs! It's really true!

“Awww…. That poor little baby cockroach.”


“The lady bug flew away!!!”

“LOOK! I found a little roly poly!”

Admires bug crawling in her hand

We love bugs in our household.

Well… one of my daughters loves bugs.

And the entertainment that ensues is fantastic.

She finds bugs anywhere. Saves their lives when she can.

She has rescued beetles. Butterflies. Dragonflies.

Spiders. Stink bugs. Worms.

You name it!

She even captured a yellow jacket with tweezers once…

“I saved a fly!”

(I advised against pulling that move again)

Sometimes she rescues them from the wrath of daddy…

Sometimes she saves them from their own poor choices…

Sometimes both…

But the love that she has for these little creatures is amazing.

So much joy from their simple interactions.

And then there are also tears.

When they escape her loving embrace.

When she accidentally loves them too much… and they bite the dust.

When (through no fault of her own) they don’t make it.

Isn’t that just like life, though?

Joy comes with the risk of pain.

Challenge gives way to accomplishment.

And relationship is built through both ups and downs.

So I am thankful for bugs.

And especially thankful for my daughter’s love…

Which made me see this thankfulness.

When most of the time…

Bugs are just a nuisance to me.

What weird or creepy-crawly thing have kids in your life made you thankful for!?

Anything out of the ordinary?

Anything super memorable?


or to participate.