Thankful for Crazy Kid-Play

Most kiddos love to be thrown in the air. Or spun around! You've just gotta be safe!

“Do it again!” “Again!”


And so it will go.

Until the adult is blue in the face.

When you find something that kiddos love…

Being spun around.

Thrown in the air.

Flipped upside down.

They latch on.

They want to keep doing it until the heat death of the universe.

It can be exhausting as an adult.

In some cases frustrating!

But if you think about it at a very simple level.

It is beautiful how simply they are satisfied.

And how content they are with repetition.

Things Do. Not. Get. Old!!

You’ve got to be safe though!

These little people are also pretty fragile 😄

And I have heard some heart breaking tales.

So be safe!! And have fun!!

But I am thankful for the crazy kid-play.

For the “do it again”s and the “why does it end!?”s

Life is too short to live any other way…

Let’s cherish each moment

While it’s called today!

What are favorites for kiddos in your life!?

What are some things that help you enjoy every moment!?

It can be hard as an adult.

So easy to get distracted by responsibilities and constant novelty.

We can so easily lose the joy in the little things!!


or to participate.