Thankful for Kids' Creativity

Kids can create fun out of nothing! And art out of the unlikeliest mediums!

Dad! Look! I wrote my name!

- Small and excited child

Depending on the age of your child…

This can mean many different things.

Is this a first achievement!?

Has a 2 year old completed some illegible scribbles?

Perhaps a wall of the home needs some scrubbing?

We happened to be on a road trip.

And my daughter was eating pretzels.

So naturally, her name was written in pretzels.

“Lenora” spelled in elegant pretzel-script

I am thankful for my children’s creativity.

They are always making jokes, art, crafts, or hilarious observations where there was previously blandness or silence.

As little people, this is primarily a joy that my wife and I get to experience.

But a few more years, and this creativity will be unleashed on the world!!

I can’t wait to see what they come up with!

Any surprising art projects?

What is the most surprising art project you have seen a kiddo come up with!?

Creativity in a place or with raw materials that you never would have expected!?

Let’s cherish the creativity of these little people. They’re remarkable!! 🎨

I’d love to hear! Or share on social with #100DaysOfKids


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