Thankful for Kids' Curiosity

Kiddos bring questions galore! And a simple curiosity about the world!


What’s that?

What does it mean?

Where are we going?

Are we there yet?

The questions. Do. Not. Stop.

And it is something that we adults can get upset about.

Definitely guilty over here.

Why are they asking about something so simple?

I do not have time for this.

Seriously - they don’t know that yet?

Can’t you figure it out yourself!?

Two things that should help us adjust our attitudes to the beautiful curiosity that children have.

First: to quote a great xkcd comic

If we don’t enjoy the curiosity… we miss out on the fun!!

And second: if we can stop our frustration…

We can actually help them learn how to learn!!

“That’s a great question!! What do you think buddy!?”

Ask them a question back. And watch their brain engage!!

Sometimes their train of thought is really clever!

And sometimes it is totally off the wall! (Which is hilarious in its own right).

Anyways. I’m thankful for my kiddos’ curiosity.

If I can just stop my “importance” and frustration long enough to engage…

We have a blast learning about the world!

If only I could be so interested in the things around me!

I love the socratic method.

Learning by asking questions.

My favorite way to learn and teach math, technology, or anything else!

At home. In business. With friends.

You name it!

What questions do you enjoy digging into with kids (or adults)!?

Any fun stories!?

I’d love to hear!


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