Thankful for Dance Recitals

Dance can be so elegant. Beautiful. Expressive! And fun!

The curtain closes.

The crowd explodes!

Raucous applause. Cheering. Whistles.

Dads everywhere are holding flowers.

And kiddos smiling from ear to ear as they bow / curtsey / wave.

Dance is a lot of fun.

My daughters have danced for several years.

They’re young. Nothing mind-blowing.

But it doesn’t have to be!

They have worked hard. Developed a skill.

Coordinated with their company.

Listened to teachers.

And practiced. Practiced. Practiced.

The smile on their faces shows how hard they have worked.

How proud they are of their performance.

My 3 year old loved her flowers.

Had a huge smile while she was out dancing.

Trying to follow along with the older girls who have everything down.

I am thankful for dance recitals.

It’s an easy one. My daughter had a recital last night.

And it is a beautiful thing.

Memories to cherish. That’s for sure!

Have your kids ever danced?

What else do they work hard at and develop skills in?

It’s awesome to see their hard work pay off!!


or to participate.