Thankful for Kiddos' Hard Work

It's really fun watching my kids work hard and apply themselves.

“Can I try!?”

And then shattering past limits.


Refusing help.

Sweating. Struggling. And then resting.

I love watching my kids work hard.

It can be tricky for them…

They’re not so unlike me.

Tempted by comfort. Ease.

Wanting to stay inside where it’s comfortable.

Wanting to sit down and take a load off.

Play or do something mindless.

But when they get into a challenging task…

You can see them light up!

Trying to accomplish adult-like tasks!

But their little bodies and little leverage make it tough!

So I am thankful for my kiddos’ hard work.

It’s really great watching them put in effort to something meaningful!

And then watching the hard work pay off!!


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