Thankful for the Heat and Humidity!

Ok. The heat outside can be tough. But we can also make it fun!!

“Dad. It’s so hot outside!!”

“Can we come in?”

“What are we doing now?”

“Why is your shirt so wet?”

North Carolina heat can be rough.

Nothing like South Texas or several other areas…

Where hot / humidity goes to even higher highs!

But we had some hot weather this weekend!

The kiddos didn’t miss a beat.

They played outside for hours.

And came in red-faced and exhausted!

I’m thankful for how the heat challenges them.

Gets them out of their comfort…

And teaches them how to overcome!

Stay hydrated. Eat well. Play hard. Rest hard. Repeat!

But I’m also thankful for how it creates juxtaposition.

Two unlike things that are placed right next to each other.

In comes a rain storm?

Then we’ll play in the rain for 2 hours and come home soaking wet!

It’s not hot! But we’re still having a blast!

And then there are ice pops / popsicles. “Popsicoo” as our 3 year-old likes to say.

Everyone loves a good ice pop / popsicle!

And they taste amazing on a hot summer afternoon!!

So I am thankful for the heat.

I’m thankful for the opportunity to be a dad in it.

And despite the challenges…

Enjoy the sweet moments that come from it!!

Stay cool. Stay hydrated. Stay safe.

And have fun!!! 😄 ☀️


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