Thankful for Hiking

Up and down. Up and down. Walking with hills. It's a blast!

Child runs off ahead

Trips and falls… OWWWWW!!!

Climbs rock. Feels triumphant

“Are we almost back yet!?”

“Will you carry me?”

Hiking is a fantastic experience.

But it is especially great with kiddos!

Helping teach them the boundaries…

When to be careful… lest you get hurt really bad…

When to have fun and be goofy…

And how to rise to a challenge!

The hike we went on recently…

It was about a half mile… down…

To a beautiful waterfall!!

But then you have to come back up.

With 5 kiddos… 14, 9, 8, 7, 3.

I fully expected to be carrying kids…

And regular water breaks.

But I was super impressed!

They rose to the challenge!

And had a blast!

I only carried the 3 year old briefly.

So I am thankful for hiking with kiddos.

For the sense of adventure.

For the accomplishment.

For the experience and beauty.

And I look forward to continuing to hike with my kiddos!


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