Thankful for Individuality

Parenting has some shared skills... but every child is SO different too!!

No hesitation. Full steam ahead and having a blast!

Any slightly loud noise and she goes to pieces.

Won’t come out of the changing room…

Because her outfit doesn’t fit right.

Three kids. Three responses. SAME activity.

In this case… the activity was martial arts.

(More on that later 😉)

But it’s anything! My kids are in some sense the same…

Same parents. Same house. Same parenting strategies.

Same foods (often). Same bedtimes. Same blah blah blah.

But they could not be more different!

For all of the consistency in their lives…

They do NOT respond to things the same.

They are little individuals.

And I am thankful for their individuality.

It is really fun to watch them grow.

To learn their little personalities and quirks.

To get to know them!!

It’s easy to compare.

To mourn their individual needs.

“Why can’t you be more like your brother”

The old adage goes…

But it’s not a great way to think about things.

We should identify and celebrate strengths.

“Look at that! She is being so kind!”

“Great job!! You just helped them out so much!”

Parenting is a blast 🎉

What about you?

The kiddos in your life?

What individual strengths are you thankful for in them!?

In yourself?


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