Thankful for Expanded Capacity for Joy

Higher highs and lower lows. That's the way the story goes!

Hearty laughs. Sweet snuggles.

Great memories. Awesome triumphs.

Kids may create potential for real pain (as we discussed yesterday)

But though the lows may be lower…

The highs are definitely higher!

The challenges that kids have to overcome may seem small to us…

First steps. Figuring out addition. Cleaning their room.

But it is no less thrilling when they conquer that challenge!

In fact… it may be more exciting!

Loving and teaching and training up a child…

And then watching their personalities develop

And watching them make wise choices themselves.

It is too wonderful for words!

As one of my good friends said:

“Parenting is simultaneously one of the hardest…

And most rewarding things I have ever done.”

So I am thankful for the expanded capacity for joy that my kiddos have taught me.

I still enjoy many of the things that I did before

But they are just not the same.

My priorities have shifted.

The source of my joy has shifted!

I now get much of my joy from serving rather than being served!

I never liked theme parks growing up…

And I’m still not a huge fan.

However… by FAR the best theme park I have had was with kids!!

Taking them around and seeing their joy was WAY more fun for me.

How about you!?

Are there any surprising places where joy comes from serving your kiddos or watching them!?

Share with #100DaysOfKids! I would love to hear 😄


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