Thankful for Many Hands

As we like to say in our house: teamwork makes the dream work!!

“Many hands make light work.”

An important phrase… and one about teamwork!

The same goes for a family!

For much of history, large families were the norm… expected…

Often this was quite helpful for farming.

You had a built in “team” of folks ready to help bear the challenging work

Of growing food, plowing, harvesting… providing!

As we reached the industrial revolution, higher child-survival rates,

And easier careers / specialization / etc…

Birth rates have plummeted!

To the point that it is actually a bit of concern about population implosion!

Even in the modern day, having a house full of 10 hands can be helpful…

(We have 5 kiddos in our home at present)

Cleaning out the car after a grocery trip is QUICK!

Even without loading yourself up with 48 bags.

If we all buckle down, we can clean up a room lickety split!

As my 3 year old likes to repeat:

“Teamurk makes the dreamurk!”

“Teamwork makes the dream work” is one of our family mottos.

And I am thankful for the many hands.

For the older kiddos helping out the younger.

For the 13 year old helping take care of the 1 year old, when we had her.

For the 6 year old helping buckle the 3 year old.

They’re great kids. And I can’t wait to see what they do with those little… but increasingly talented hands as they grow!!

What is something where the size of your family is perfect!?

Or if it’s just you at present, the family you grew up in?

Every size. Every “hand-count” has its benefits.

And so much to be thankful for!


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