Thankful for How I Miss My Kids

Away for an hour? Day? Or a Week? Missing kids is a sweet feeling.

They say “absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

Sometimes it feels more like “Absence shows the heart’s fondness.”

It helps emphasize how precious they are!!

This happens when you are away too.

Oftentimes my wife and I will get away for an evening…

Or recently: for a week for our anniversary.

It’s not long before we miss the rest of our family.

They can be wild and crazy, but they’re OUR wild and crazy!!

And life is just not the same without them.

I haven’t shared a ton about our foster journey.

We have a handful of foster daughters in our household.

One of our little girls got moved to another home this week.

And we miss her.

It’s good. She’s closer to her home.

She can have easier visits with her family.

She’s closer to her siblings.

Lots of good things.

But it’s still hard.

Her bedroom seems so empty without her.

We keep having the reflex to “wake her up from naps.” Or “check on the baby.”

We miss her sweet hugs and hearty laughs.

Even the incessant exploring of the house and opening of cabinets.

I’m thankful for how I miss my kids.

There is a lot of emotion there.

And it is a beautiful gift.

Love them and hold them while you have them! ❤️

It’s easy to get distracted by priorities in life…

And forget to cherish those around us.

How do you avoid taking your loved ones for granted?

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