Thankful for That Newborn Scent

Ever seen mamas sniffing their babies!? Yep. It's a thing.


Ever seen a mama hug their baby in close…

And take a big whiff?

Not of the diaper, mind you…

That’s more of a quick check.

This is a deep inhale.

Babies have a very distinct scent.

I must admit to ignorance about what it is…

Baby soaps? Baby lotions? Baby powder?


But it feels much deeper than that.

It’s like the new car smell…

Except this is a new human!

Anyways. For those of us who have been out of the newborn phase for a while…

We miss it!! And scents can trigger memories.

It helps us remember our little ones when they were new!

Every stage is unique and has its joys.

But that new baby smell will always be a sweet and special “early days” joy.

So cherish each day while you’ve got it!

The newborn phase can have its challenges…

But I’m thankful for the new baby smell.

What favorite kiddo stage sticks out to you!?

Any smells or behaviors? Memories or uniqueness!?


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