Thankful for Noises

Quiet is Overrated. Easy. And abundant.

We took a road trip recently.

The car was rarely quiet. As I said previously: much jamming.

But also other noises. Laughing. Crying. Whining. Singing. Many emotions.

Kiddos often have big emotions.

And no filter. So the noises come quickly!

The same goes for our house.

Filled with noises!

Parents often joke about noise-maker gifts.

Torture. Sarcastic thanks. “I’m going to send it to your house!”

But there is something beautiful about the noises!

Life. Vibrance. Relationship. Learning.

Fantastic things that are punctuated by noise.

As adults, we often cherish the peace and quiet.

Probably because our brains are so noisy.

Constant TO-DOs.

Constant responsibilities.

Constant fears and challenges.

But children have clear brains.

Just constant life, exploration, fun, and excitement.

OK there is some selfishness too.

But I’m thankful for the noises.

Even though it can be hard sometimes.

(And I may have lost my cool a few times in the car… 😅)

What about you?

What are your favorite noises from kiddos in your life?

What speaks life / joy / excitement?

What about noises that get under your skin and are hard to be thankful for?

We all have those too!! 😄

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