Thankful for Expanded Capacity for Pain

Ever seen your heart walking around outside your body? Parents have!

“You can’t hurt me!!”


Stronger than a locamotive!

These are appealing images of strength and resilience.

But love anything deeply enough…

And you will see that you are not so tough.

This happened first with my wife.

And now with our children!

It’s like your heart is running around outside your body!

Hurt my kids? And you hurt me.

Fear for something happening to my kids?

Concern about their character?

Questions about their future?

Parents know that children expand our capacity for pain.

Our kids can do it to us. Saying things. Doing things. Not doing things.

And life does it to us too!

They don’t get the role. They lose the game.

They get hurt or scared or sad.

I am thankful for the expanded capacity for pain that my kids have given me!

It has taught me how small and how little I really am.

How little control I really have.

It hurts sometimes. And I don’t like the hurt.

But, as I mentioned yesterday, it is a sign of love.

And it is a beautiful thing that I cherish!

How do you handle the hurt (or potential hurt!) that comes from loving someone else deeply?

Just today, my three year old said she doesn’t love me.

That doesn’t feel good!

But I knew that she was just upset.

She wanted to have a snack and it wasn’t snack time 🤣

You’ve gotta have a way to handle the hurt!

Comment below or share on social with #100DaysOfKids!

I would love to learn from your expertise!


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