Thankful for Personality

Every child is different. Unique. And so much fun!

Look at me!!

I really want to!!

Sneakily does whatever they want

Knock knock!

Silently pouts

Every child is so different.

Unique in every way.

Some will depose you to your face.

Others will do what they want without asking.

Others will act like they agree…

And then sneak behind your back.

Some are the life of the party.

Some just want to sit quietly.

Attention seekers.

Attention grabbers.

Independent spirits.

It is a wild ride trying to keep up with them!

And then it can change on a dime as they grow!

So I am thankful for my kids’ personalities.

So unique. And so special.

Tricky to wrangle at times, for sure…

But a thrill.

And exciting to watch them become their own little people!!

What are the personalities that stand out in the kids around you?

What traits? Strengths? Needs?

Isn’t it so much fun!?


or to participate.