Thankful for the Pool

Here I come! Splash! Catch! Splash!

Watch out! Here I come!


Catch this!!


There is something beautiful about water.

Watching my three year old swim is always hilarious.

Something about the weightlessness…

The difficulty. The ease.

Simple things are now challenging.

Normal things are now hilarious.

And there is this hilarious mixture of joy

And determination written on her face.

I am thankful for pools.

We do not swim as much as we should!!

The kiddos absolutely love it.

It was the highlight of their day!

And frankly… water is pretty dangerous…

So we need them to learn how to swim better!

Not to mention: how refreshing the water is

As the temperatures climb for the summer!

And what a great workout / exercise the pool is!

Games. Fun. Accomplishment. Laughter.

There is so much life to be lived and excitement to be had!

So long as everyone is supervised and safe ❤️

What are your favorite water memories?

Do you have a pool you frequent?

What are your favorite pool games / activities!?


or to participate.