Thankful for Racecar Noises with a Grocery Cart

And if you end up at a place with a real racecar grocery cart? Now the party is on!

“Oh dad! Can I drive!?”

Walking into Food Lion. The kids know the party is about to begin.

Have we gotten some weird looks over the years?

You betcha.

And are we louder than we should be in a grocery store?

Almost certainly.

But I am thankful for racecar noises with a grocery cart.

We also like to drift.

And if they don’t steer well…

We have been known to (gently) crash into the odd pole.

It’s super special at Food Lion because ours has an actual racecar grocery cart.

I hope the giggles and laughs from my kiddos never fade from memory.

And I hope that I can stay focused enough on them to be present and enjoy that time!

It is so easy to be distracted by responsibilities in life.

To the disobedience / whining / complaining / begging for some random snack.

But the adventure is sweet if we cherish it!!

And just crank out some racecar noises 😉

What about you?

How do you stay focused and present with your kiddos?

Do you have any tools or tips that you would suggest to a struggling parent?


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