Thankful for Kids' Resilience

Knock them down. They get back up. Failure? Try again. They just keep going!

Third pitch. One ball. One strike.

SLAM! What a hit!

I don't think he's ever hit it that high!!

Uh oh... the defensive player is under it...

Caught. He's out.

My son had a good hit today at baseball.

But no base from it.

Really proud of him for keeping his head up.

He had this proud grin / nod to us as he walked to the dugout.

I want to be like that. When I take a good hit... be proud of it.

Even if the outcome isn't what I had hoped for.

I see this in all my kiddos. One had a pretty rough skull fracture…

Open skull surgery. (A story for another day)

Bopping around the hospital that day like nothing is wrong.

They can be so resilient and tough. Meltdown and crying like the world is ending one minute…

Then laughing and having a blast the next.

They live fully in the moment. And often with big emotions!!

I am thankful for my kiddos’ resilience.

It helps them overcome my failures as a dad.

And it helps them overcome the challenges in the world around them!

So I am going to keep pushing them towards resilience…

And trying to grow in resilience myself!

What is your favorite story of resilience in the kids around you?

Anything that inspired you to be more resilient in your life!?

Share it in the comments!

Let’s spread the thankfulness for our little ones!


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