Thankful for Scuffles

Ouch. He hurt me! She pinched me. Daaaad! Moooom!!!

Ouch. He hurt me!

That’s not fair! Moooom!

She pinched me! Daaaad!

And crescendo…!!!

When you have more than one kiddo present…

Their selfishness can clash!

What breaks out as a result can vary…

But often… especially amongst boys… it is a scuffle.

What results? Oftentimes… tears.

Irritation. Sadness. Anger.

Pain. Scabs. Scars.

All sorts of great stuff 😛 

But the beautiful part of these scuffles is the growth.

Learning methods of conflict resolution that are not fun.

Learning consequences for physical actions.

Guidance by adults for a better way to resolve conflict.

Energy transfer and exhaustion.

I am thankful for the scuffles in my kids’ lives.

It can be hard in the moment…

But think about them like a beautiful gem just drawn from the ground!

Lots of rough edges. Sharp points. Ready to hurt those around them.

The scuffles in life are like the tumbler that rounds off all that roughness…

Then we’ll polish that puppy up and have it looking grand 😎

What scuffles, physical or otherwise, stand out in your life?

In the kids around you?

Aren’t there fantastic learning opportunities there!?


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