Thankful for Simple Responsibilities

Childhood and teeth brushing. A challenging ground if ever there were!

I don’t want to!!

Why do I need to?

Am I done yet!?

Has it been two minutes!?

Childhood is not complete until you can brush on your own.

But brushing on your own is definitely incompatible with childhood.

It is far too stagnant. Still. And Boring.

But brushing teeth is just one of hundreds of simple responsibilities.

Simple knowledge and execution

Required to be a functional and independent adult.

And they are taught “as we are going.”

These simple responsibilities are never something you sit down…

“Today is the day that we learn how to brush our teeth.”

No. It is every night for a decade.

Every couple of months… a new skill. A new nuance.

A new area to improve and solidify.

So I am thankful for simple responsibilities.

For the chance to impact my childrens’ lives every day.

To try to help them improve and become independent.

To help them fight against their inclination to short-change themselves…

By skipping tonight. Or cutting their brushing short.

Discipline is the name of the game.

Every day. For the rest of your life!

Good habits for the good outcomes!


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