Thankful for Kids' Sports

My kids do not have to be the best... to get a LOT out of sport!

“I feel bad for all of the parents

Spending their Saturday

Watching their kids be bad at sports.”

That’s what the tweet said.

I have since lost the link…

What a depressing view of the world.

As if the reason we have / support / train children in the way they should go

Is for our own self-centered view of entertainment and competition.

You see these coaches and parents everywhere…

“Reliving their glory days” through their kids or the teams they are coaching.

Exhorting their 5 year old to train like he is the next Messi.

Childhood sport is so much more than that.

It happens in little leagues. In competitions. In tournaments.

And in our own yards!!

The constant challenge. Pitting yourself and your best effort against another.

Wrestling with the difficulty of being outdone. Of recognizing your own shortcomings.

Of discomfort. Pain. Discouragement. Loss.

And then on the other end… Triumph. Excitement. Victory. Accomplishment.

Many sports even have a team factor.

Communicating with others. Depending on one another. Helping each other.

Letting each other down. Filling in for a teammates’ deficits.

Celebrating together. Suffering together. Working together.

I refuse to be so short-sighted with my children.

So I am thankful for kids’ sports.

I love seeing their little growths. Mourning with them for their losses.

Helping them think critically about how to improve and how to challenge themselves.

They may turn out to be professionals someday…

But most likely not. Most likely all of their work and effort will develop skills that show up elsewhere…

As they are providing for their family or building something worthwhile or working with a team.

It is really a blast. I definitely recommend ⚽️⚾️🏐🏈🏀⛳️🎾

What kids’ sports memories are your favorites?

What are the character traits and growth that are the most valuable outcomes of sport?


or to participate.