Thankful for the Love of Stuffies

So many kids have a deep and heartfelt passion for stuffed animals.

“Oh no! We forgot Little Gold!”

Parents know this distressed holler well.

The currently-most-precious stuffed animal has been lost/forgotten/misplaced…

And now sleep will not happen until it has been recovered.

OK. Maybe I overstated that a little bit. If we cannot find the stuffie, usually another will fill its important place.

Or we will keep looking for it in the morning!

A stuffed alligator wrapped in a blanket

Congaree slept by himself last night

In any case, the love of stuffies in our household is deep. Little Gold. Little Orange. Blueberry. Beary. Cedric. Horsey. Owley.

All deeply beloved.

And uniquely named.

(Although maybe not the most creative names in the world).

And if those stuffies could talk.

Oh, the adventures they have been on!! Our kids take them everywhere!!

So I am thankful for my kiddos’ love of stuffies.

Through them, the kiddos practice caretaking. Empathy. Teaching. Hospitalization. Coaching. Helping. Guiding. Protecting. Parenting.

These little creatures are an amazing tool for learning and practicing important adult skills!

And the kiddos have a blast doing it!

It is so much more than a stuffed animal 🧸

What are the most important qualities in a stuffed animal in your house!?

Any fun stories of stuffed animal adventures?

Share on social with #100DaysOfKids!!

In our house, Little Gold in particular has been quite the adventurer.

Strapped into a Kinex harness complete with glider.

Or tethered to a makeshift parachute and thrown from the highest point in the house.

Zip lines. Catapults. Slides. Swings.

This little dog knows no fear!

And when he got lost for good…? Well… we happened to find his twin brother at the store 😅 

So Little Gold is back and better than ever!


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