Thankful for the Little Toes

There's even a song about it! Their little toes are cute. Tiny. And oh, so tickle-able!

This little piggie went to the market…

This little piggie stayed home…

Which one are you?

Everyone wants to be the piggie crying “WHEEEEEE!!!”

This song is an iconic celebration of our kiddos’ tiny toes.

It really is crazy how a human can be so little!

Especially in the newborn phase.

So tiny. So cute.

My kids are no longer that tiny.

The “baby” (almost 4) is already starting to look like a young lady.

But her toes are still so little!

It’s good to appreciate the uniqueness at every stage of life!

One other small thing about baby toes…

The involuntary leg movements!

Did you know most of that jerky / uncoordinated movement is muscle building?

They are not coordinated enough to move and grab things…

But they are building muscles through constant movement just the same!

That way they will be ready to move once the brain develops enough!

Kiddos also move WAY more in their sleep than adults do!

Their bodies are just vibrating / reverberating with life!

It’s a beautiful thing.

So I am thankful for the little toes. And the little movements.

And the little things that make my kiddos so different from me.

There is so much to be thankful for!

Do you have any favorite stories of kiddos as little / itty-bitty ones?

Memories of a sweet time that you miss?

Why not share on social and spread the positivity!? 😄


or to participate.