The Proverbial Strong-Willed Child. Let's be thankful for them!!
Kiddos bring questions galore! And a simple curiosity about the world!
Time runs slower for kiddos. They cherish every second! Us adults could learn a thing or two.
So many kids have a deep and heartfelt passion for stuffed animals.
Kids can create fun out of nothing! And art out of the unlikeliest mediums!
Our house may be noisy. But we do quiet well too 😎
Quiet is Overrated. Easy. And abundant.
And if you end up at a place with a real racecar grocery cart? Now the party is on!
My kids love to jam. And I'll cherish that gift for as long as I can!!
It's often through little things! But the opportunity to completely change the quality of my kids' day is almost always there!
They may be short. But they are awfully funny
Just like me!